Along with monthly drills, Recruit (RT) and Advanced Trainings (AT) are available to both League Cadets and Sea Cadets. While cadet units are organized along military lines, their main purpose is to foster good citizenship and an interest and appreciation of our nation’s sea services. Trainings are available during the summer months and a limited number are available during school winter break. Submit training orders for training promptly. Training and travel costs are the responsibility of the cadet, not the squadron or National Headquarters.

All Cadets must complete RT or BLO (Basic League Orientation) and complete necessary coursework to be eligible to attend Advanced Training. Cadets may choose from a wide variety of advanced training opportunities that are nationally advertised by USNSCC headquarters.


Recruit Training & Navy League Orientation

Recruit Training is a 9 to 14 day overnight training held at the Great Lakes Recruit Training Command in Illinois in June. 

League Cadets have the option of attending a one-week overnight Navy League Orientation class, or Basic League Orientation (BLO). 

Summer/Winter Training

Training evolutions are offered during the summer, winter, and sometimes over spring break. Sea Cadets are exposed to a broad range of subjects and have many opportunities to participate in hands-on training aboard Navy and Coast Guard ships, shore activities, and training schools. All trainings conducted are on a first-come-first serve basis. 

NLCC Coursework & Advancement

League cadets are eligible to advance in ranks every four months. While advanced training is not mandatory for League cadets, a one-week recruit training camp and additional week long training opportunities in the summer are available and encouraged.