Shadow Day

What to Expect

The parent will enter the building with their prospective cadet and show ID to the MA (Master-at-arms) at the door. The MA will then direct the the prospective cadet to the recruitment officer, who will show them around and introduce the prospective cadet to their “battle buddy” for the day. The battle buddy will act as their mentor and help them learn about the cadets. Each shadow day is a little different and will follow the POM (Plan of the Month).

POM (Plan of the Month)

The POM contains the detailed schedule, uniform of of the day and other important information for each drill weekend.

What to Wear

Pants: jeans or slacks 
Shirt: t-shirt/sweatshirt (weather appropriate) of a solid color, preferably navy blue or black
Shoes: running/athletic shoes

What to Bring

  • Bring gym clothes for PT (physical training). Be prepared to train inside or outside.
  • $5 for lunch
  • Water bottle
  • Pen and notepad

Where to Go

Regular Drill Location:
Arden hills Armory — Hamline Avenue
4761 Hamline Ave N, Arden Hills, MN 55112

Alternate Drill Location (check POM):
Arden Hills Armory – Ben Franklin Readiness Center
1536 Ben Franklin St, Arden Hills, MN 55112

It is possible for there to be no one attending the doors during opening colors 0900-0930 and closing colors 1500-1530, so make sure to arrive before those times if you want to be present for colors. If you need to be let in, you can call or text the recruiting officer, ENS Lisa Anderson, at 612-405-0756.

    Inquire about Shadow Day

    Prospective cadets and parents need to attend a virtual brief prior to attending Shadow Day. The virtual brief is typically held at 2000 hrs (8pm) the Tuesday or Thursday before Shadow Day.