

You’ve filled out the paperwork and submitted the fees; orientation is completed and you’ve had your meeting with the CO, but there’s a few important things to go over!
After your application is submitted and dues are paid:

  • The recruit will have their photo taken for their I.D.
  • The recruit will submit their measurements for their uniform to the Supply Officer.
  • The Commanding Officer will submit the enrollment forms to the NSCC National Headquarters (NHQ) for processing.

Once enrollment is processed at NHQ an ID card will be issued in the cadet’s name and will be sent to our unit. You will be issued your ID at the next drill. The Supply Officer will issue the required uniforms to the cadet.

We recommend that cadets keep a 3-ring binder for awards, recognition, and coursework. Keep copies of ALL forms you turn in, including answer sheets for your coursework.


Drill Information

We meet one weekend a month from 0900 to 1500 as scheduled on the extended dates section on the POM. Each drill consists of PT, marching exercises, and various leadership trainings as well as classroom work. Members of the Navy or other armed forces may visit to share real life experiences or to instruct a class.   

The POM, or Plan of the Month, is emailed to each cadet and is posted on the website 10 days prior to each scheduled drill. Each cadet is required to respond to (call-out) his or her  Squad Leader (SL) by 1900, the Tuesday prior to drill or will be marked unexcused. 

An updated roster of cadets and staff is emailed each month for call-out purposes. If the cadet is not at drill and have not communicated their absence, it will be marked as an unexcused absence. The POM is subject to change and cadets are encouraged to check the website the Friday before drill to check for any last minute changes.

Bring $5 for lunch and a water bottle to each drill.



A minimum of 75% attendance is required. Each drill weekend is comprised of four attendance periods. Some excused absences are allowed and eligible to be made up when approved in advance. Examples include: participation in varsity sports, taking exams, or attending family events. The absence still counts against the squadron during inspection but allows cadets to maintain the attendance at an acceptable level. 

Cadets have an opportunity to make-up time four times per calendar year. To report attendance and for additional information, cadets must follow their chain of command. A cadet may be unenrolled after three unexcused absences. Unexcused means the cadet has made no contact with their chain of command regarding their absence.