Membership Overview

Chart Your Course

  • Designed for middle school aged students
  • Optional 7-day Basic League Orientation training
  • May attend advanced trainings after completing Basic League Orientation
  • Complete coursework to advance through the League Cadets
  • Designed for high school aged students
  • Attend a required 9-day Recruit Training (RT)
  • Attend annual one-week advanced trainings (AT)
  • Complete coursework and attend advanced trainings to advance through the Sea Cadets



We meet one weekend a month from 0900 to 1500 as scheduled on the extended dates section on the POM. Each drill consists of PT, marching exercises, and various leadership trainings as well as classroom work. Members of the Navy or other armed forces may visit to share real life experiences or to instruct a class.   

The POM, or Plan of the Month, is emailed to each cadet and is posted on the website 10 days prior to each scheduled drill. Each cadet is required to respond to (call-out) his or her  Squad Leader (SL) by 1900, the Tuesday prior to drill or will be marked unexcused. 

An updated roster of cadets and staff is emailed each month for call-out purposes. If the cadet is not at drill and have not communicated their absence, it will be marked as an unexcused absence. The POM is subject to change and cadets are encouraged to check the website the Friday before drill to check for any last minute changes.

A minimum of 75% attendance is required. Each drill weekend is comprised of four attendance periods. Some excused absences are allowed and eligible to be made up when approved in advance. Examples include: participation in varsity sports, taking exams, or attending family events. The absence still counts against the squadron during inspection but allows cadets to maintain the attendance at an acceptable level. 

Physical Readiness Test (PRT)

All cadets are required to pass the PRT at least once per year to remain in good standings. The PRT takes place in the spring and the fall, and cadets are required to have passed it within the last 6 months for both advancement and to maintain eligibility for advanced trainings.

Cadets are also required to pass an annual swimming qualification.

Grooming Standards

The primary consideration is to have a neatly groomed appearance while wearing the NSCC uniform. Grooming standards are based on several elements including neatness, cleanliness, safety, military image and appearance.